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  • December 31, 2021

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    Crops show sensitive spectral characteristics according to their species and growth conditions and although frequent observation is required especially in summer, it is difficult to utilize optical satellite images due to the rainy season. To solve this problem, Constrained Cloud-Maximum Normalized difference vegetation index Composite (CC-MNC) algorithm was developed to generate periodic composite images with minimal cloud effect. In this study, using this method, monthly Sentinel-2A/B Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composite images were produced for paddies and high-latitude cabbage fields from 2019 to 2021. In August 2020, which received 200mm more precipitation than other periods, the effect of clouds, was also significant in MODIS NDVI 16-day composite product. Except for this period, the CC-MNC method was able to reduce the cloud ratio of 45.4% of the original daily image to 14.9%. In the case of rice paddy, there was no significant difference between Sentinel-2A/B and MODIS NDVI values. In addition, it was possible to monitor the rice growth cycle well even with a revisit cycle 5 days. In the case of high-latitude cabbage fields, Sentinel-2A/B showed the short growth cycle of cabbage well, but MODIS showed limitations in spatial resolution. In addition, the CC-MNC method showed that cloud pixels were used for compositing at the harvest time, suggesting that the View Zenith Angle (VZA) threshold needs to be adjusted according to the domestic region.
  • Research ArticleFebruary 28, 2024

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    Improving Field Crop Classification Accuracy Using GLCM and SVM with UAV-Acquired Images

    Seung-Hwan Go , Jong-Hwa Park

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2024; 40(1): 93-101

    Accurate field crop classification is essential for various agricultural applications, yet existing methods face challenges due to diverse crop types and complex field conditions. This study aimed to address these issues by combining support vector machine (SVM) models with multi-seasonal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, texture information extracted from Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), and RGB spectral data. Twelve high-resolution UAV image captures spanned March–October 2021, while field surveys on three dates provided ground truth data. We focused on data from August (-A), September (-S), and October (-O) images and trained four support vector classifier (SVC) models (SVC-A, SVC-S, SVC-O, SVC-AS) using visual bands and eight GLCM features. Farm maps provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs proved efficient for open-field crop identification and served as a reference for accuracy comparison. Our analysis showcased the significant impact of hyperparameter tuning (C and gamma) on SVM model performance, requiring careful optimization for each scenario. Importantly, we identified models exhibiting distinct high-accuracy zones, with SVC-O trained on October data achieving the highest overall and individual crop classification accuracy. This success likely stems from its ability to capture distinct texture information from mature crops. Incorporating GLCM features proved highly effective for all models, significantly boosting classification accuracy. Among these features, homogeneity, entropy, and correlation consistently demonstrated the most impactful contribution. However, balancing accuracy with computational efficiency and feature selection remains crucial for practical application. Performance analysis revealed that SVC-O achieved exceptional results in overall and individual crop classification, while soybeans and rice were consistently classified well by all models. Challenges were encountered with cabbage due to its early growth stage and low field cover density. The study demonstrates the potential of utilizing farm maps and GLCM features in conjunction with SVM models for accurate field crop classification. Careful parameter tuning and model selection based on specific scenarios are key for optimizing performance in real-world applications.
December 2024 Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 881-1521

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