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  • February 28, 2018

    0 3 5

    Operational Atmospheric Correction Method over Land Surfaces for GOCI Images

    Hwa-Seon Lee*, and Kyu-Sung Lee*†

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2018; 34(1): 127-139

    The GOCI atmospheric correction over land surfaces is essential for the time-series analysis of terrestrial environments with the very high temporal resolution. We develop an operational GOCI atmospheric correction method over land surfaces, which is rather different from the one developed for ocean surface. The GOCI atmospheric correction method basically reduces gases absorption and Rayleigh and aerosol scatterings and to derive surface reflectance from at-sensor radiance. We use the 6S radiative transfer model that requires several input parameters to calculate surface reflectance. In the sensitivity analysis, aerosol optical thickness was the most influential element among other input parameters including atmospheric model, terrain elevation, and aerosol type. To account for the highly variable nature of aerosol within the GOCI target area in northeast Asia, we generate the spatio-temporal aerosol maps using AERONET data for the aerosol correction. For a fast processing, the GOCI atmospheric correction method uses the pre-calculated look up table that directly converts at-sensor radiance to surface reflectance. The atmospheric correction method was validated by comparing with in-situ spectral measurements and MODIS reflectance products. The GOCI surface reflectance showed very similar magnitude and temporal patterns with the in-situ measurements and the MODIS reflectance. The GOCI surface reflectance was slightly higher than the in-situ measurement and MODIS reflectance by 0.01 to 0.06, which might be due to the different viewing angles. Anisotropic effect in the GOCI hourly reflectance needs to be further normalized during the following cloud-free compositing.
  • October 31, 2021

    0 17 3

    The GOCI-II Early Mission Marine Fog Detection Products: Optical Characteristics andVerification

    Minsang Kim 1) · Myung-Sook Park 2)†

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2021; 37(5): 1317-1328

    This study analyzes the early satellite mission marine fog detection results from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager-II (GOCI-II). We investigate optical characteristics of the GOCI-II spectral bands for marine fog between October 2020 and March 2021 during the overlapping mission period of Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) and GOCI-II. For Rayleigh-corrected reflection (Rrc) at 412 nm band available for the input of the GOCI-II marine fog algorithm, the inter-comparison between GOCI and GOCI-II data showed a small Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value (0.01) with a high correlation coefficient (0.988). Another input variable, Normalized Localization Standard (NLSD), also shows a reasonable correlation (0.798) between the GOCI and GOCI-II data with a small RMSE value (0.007). We also found distinctive optical characteristics between marine fog and clouds by the GOCI- II observations, showing the narrower distribution of all bands’ Rrc values centered at high values for cloud compared to marine fog. The GOCI-II marine fog detection distribution for actual cases is similar to the GOCI but more detailed due to the improved spatial resolution from 500 m to 250 m. The validation with the automated synoptic observing system (ASOS) visibility data confirms the initial reliability of the GOCI-II marine fog detection. Also, it is expected to improve the performance of the GOCI-II marine fog detection algorithm by adding sufficient samples to verify stable performance, improving the post- processing process by replacing real-time available cloud input data and reducing false alarm by adding aerosol information.
  • October 31, 2023

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    Estimation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Nakdong River Using Machine Learning-Based Satellite Data and Water Quality, Hydrological, and Meteorological Factors

    박소련 1)·손상훈 2)·배재구 3)·이도이 3)·서동주4)·김진수 5)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(5): 655-667

    Algal bloom outbreaks are frequently reported around the world, and serious water pollution problems arise every year in Korea. It is necessary to protect the aquatic ecosystem through continuous management and rapid response. Many studies using satellite images are being conducted to estimate the concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), an indicator of algal bloom occurrence. However, machine learning models have recently been used because it is difficult to accurately calculate Chl-a due to the spectral characteristics and atmospheric correction errors that change depending on the water system. It is necessary to consider the factors affecting algal bloom as well as the satellite spectral index. Therefore, this study constructed a dataset by considering water quality, hydrological and meteorological factors, and sentinel-2 images in combination. Representative ensemble models random forest and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) were used to predict the concentration of Chl-a in eight weirs located on the Nakdong river over the past five years. R-squared score (R2), root mean square errors (RMSE), and mean absolute errors (MAE) were used as model evaluation indicators, and it was confirmed that R2 of XGBoost was 0.80, RMSE was 6.612, and MAE was 4.457. Shapley additive expansion analysis showed that water quality factors, suspended solids, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, and the band ratio using red edge bands were of high importance in both models. Various input data were confirmed to help improve model performance, and it seems that it can be applied to domestic and international algal bloom detection.
  • December 31, 2023

    0 23 6

    Analysis of Uncertainty in Ocean Color Products by Water Vapor Vertical Profile

    이경상 1)·배수정2)·이은경2)·안재현 1)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(6): 1591-1604

    In ocean color remote sensing, atmospheric correction is a vital process for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of ocean color products. Furthermore, in recent years, the remote sensing community has intensified its requirements for understanding errors in satellite data. Accordingly, research is currently addressing errors in remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) resulting from inaccuracies in meteorological variables (total ozone, pressure, wind field, and total precipitable water) used as auxiliary data for atmospheric correction. However, there has been no investigation into the error in Rrs caused by the variability of the water vapor profile, despite it being a recognized error source. In this study, we used the Second Simulation of a Satellite Signal Vector version 2.1 simulation to compute errors in water vapor transmittance arising from variations in the water vapor profile within the GOCI-II observation area. Subsequently, we conducted an analysis of the associated errors in ocean color products. The observed water vapor profile not only exhibited a complex shape but also showed significant variations near the surface, leading to differences of up to 0.007 compared to the US standard 62 water vapor profile used in the GOCI-II atmospheric correction. The resulting variation in water vapor transmittance led to a difference in aerosol reflectance estimation, consequently introducing errors in Rrs across all GOCI-II bands. However, the error of Rrs in the 412–555 nm due to the difference in the water vapor profile band was found to be below 2%, which is lower than the required accuracy. Also, similar errors were shown in other ocean color products such as chlorophyll-a concentration, colored dissolved organic matter, and total suspended matter concentration. The results of this study indicate that the variability in water vapor profiles has minimal impact on the accuracy of atmospheric correction and ocean color products. Therefore, improving the accuracy of the input data related to the water vapor column concentration is even more critical for enhancing the accuracy of ocean color products in terms of water vapor absorption correction.
  • December 31, 2023

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    Performance Evaluation of Monitoring System for Sargassum horneri Using GOCI-II: Focusing on the Results of Removing False Detection in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea

    이한빛 1),2)·김주은3)·김문선4)·김동수5)·민승환6)·김태호 7)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(6): 1615-1633

    Sargassum horneri is one of the floating algae in the sea, which breeds in large quantities in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea and then flows into the coast of Republic of Korea, causing various problems such as destroying the environment and damaging fish farms. In order to effectively prevent damage and preserve the coastal environment, the development of Sargassum horneri detection algorithms using satellite-based remote sensing technology has been actively developed. However, incorrect detection information causes an increase in the moving distance of ships collecting Sargassum horneri and confusion in the response of related local governments or institutions, so it is very important to minimize false detections when producing Sargassum horneri spatial information. This study applied technology to automatically remove false detection results using the GOCI-II-based Sargassum horneri detection algorithm of the National Ocean Satellite Center (NOSC) of the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanography Agency (KHOA). Based on the results of analyzing the causes of major false detection results, it includes a process of removing linear and sporadic false detections and green algae that occurs in large quantities along the coast of China in spring and summer by considering them as false detections. The technology to automatically remove false detection was applied to the dates when Sargassum horneri occurred from February 24 to June 25, 2022. Visual assessment results were generated using midresolution satellite images, qualitative and quantitative evaluations were performed. Linear false detection results were completely removed, and most of the sporadic and green algae false detection results that affected the distribution were removed. Even after the automatic false detection removal process, it was possible to confirm the distribution area of Sargassum horneri compared to the visual assessment results, and the accuracy and precision calculated using the binary classification model averaged 97.73% and 95.4%, respectively. Recall value was very low at 29.03%, which is presumed to be due to the effect of Sargassum horneri movement due to the observation time discrepancy between GOCI-II and midresolution satellite images, differences in spatial resolution, location deviation by orthocorrection, and cloud masking. The results of this study’s removal of false detections of Sargassum horneri can determine the spatial distribution status in near real-time, but there are limitations in accurately estimating biomass. Therefore, continuous research on upgrading the Sargassum horneri monitoring system must be conducted to use it as data for establishing future Sargassum horneri response plans.
  • ReviewOctober 31, 2024

    0 377 47

    Pioneering Air Quality Monitoring over East and Southeast Asia with the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)

    Kyunghwa Lee, Dong-Won Lee, Lim-Seok Chang, Jeong-Ah Yu, Won-Jin Lee, Kyoung-Hee Kang, Jaehoon Jeong

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2024; 40(5): 741-752

    The Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) onboard the Geostationary Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2B (GEO-KOMPSAT-2B) satellite, launched in February 2020, represents a pioneering milestone in air quality monitoring across East and Southeast Asia. GEMS provides hourly data on atmospheric pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde (HCHO) and glyoxal (CHOCHO), as well as aerosols, all with high spatial resolution. The Environmental Satellite Center (ESC) of the National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) is responsible for processing, retrieving, and distributing GEMS data, offering critical insights into the transport and spatial distribution of these pollutants. GEMS data has been instrumental in analyzing significant air pollution events, such as episodes of elevated particulate matter, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions. Additionally, ongoing research projects led by ESC are focused on developing novel application techniques, including satellite data fusion, top-down emissions estimation, and nighttime pollutant detection. GEMS operates as part of a global geostationary constellation, alongside the United States’ Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) and Europe’s Sentinel-4, enhancing both the spatial and temporal coverage of air pollutants and facilitating data sharing for quality assurance. Looking ahead, ESC aims to expand its environmental monitoring capabilities by launching a constellation of microsatellites dedicated to greenhouse gas monitoring, together with the next generation of GEMS, which will continue its air quality monitoring missions. This paper presents an overview of GEMS operations, data products, and applications while outlining future strategies for enhancing air quality monitoring and supporting environmental policies aimed at clean air and climate mitigation.
December 2024 Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 881-1521

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