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  • December 31, 2023

    8 11

    Comparison of MODIS and VIIRS NDVI Characteristics on Corn and Soybean Cultivation Areas in Illinois

    이경도 1)·김숙경2)·류재현3)·안호용 1)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(6): 1483-1490

    We analyzed the potential for joint utilization of Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) satellite imagery Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in crop assessment, considering the aging of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellites. Over 11 years from 2012 to 2022, we examined the characteristics of NDVI changes in corn and soybean cultivation areas in Illinois, USA. VIIRS and MODIS satellite imagery NDVI exhibited a high correlation coefficient of over 0.98. However, during periods of rapid crop growth or decline, VIIRS NDVI showed values approximately 0.12 to 0.14 higher than MODIS. Estimating crop anomaly classes based on NDVI, we observed similar trends in corn and soybean crop anomaly classes in 2018 and 2019. However, in 2022, there appeared to be a significant divergence in crop anomaly classes, suggesting the need for further investigation. The correlation coefficients between MODIS and VIIRS satellite imagery NDVI and corn and soybean yields were consistently high, exceeding 0.8, indicating the potential for quantity estimation using both MODIS and VIIRS satellite imagery. Specifically, for VIIRS NDVI, excluding the increasing trend in crop quantity estimation for soybeans enhanced the correlation, and compared to MODIS, it showed a consistently high correlation with quantity from approximately 16 days earlier, indicating the potential for early estimation.
  • LetterJune 30, 2023

    13 11

    Evaluation of Spectral Band Adjustment Factor Applicability for Near Infrared Channel of Sentinel-2A Using Landsat-8

    Nayeon Kim 1) · Noh-hun Seong 2) · Daeseong Jung 2) · Suyoung Sim 2) · Jongho Woo 3) · Sungwon Choi 4) · Sungwoo Park 1) · Kyung-Soo Han 5)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(3): 363-370

    Various earth observation satellites need to provide accurate and high-quality data after launch. To maintain and enhance the quality of satellite data, it is crucial to employ a cross-calibration processthat accountsfor differencesin sensor characteristics,such asthe spectral band adjustment factor (SBAF). In this study, we utilized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A satellite imagery collected from desert sites in Libya4, Algeria3, and Mauritania2 among pseudo-invariant calibration sites to calculate and apply SBAF, thereby compensating the uncertainties arising from variations in bandwidths. We quantitatively compared the reflectance differences based on the similarity of bandwidths, including Blue, Green, Red, and both the near-infrared (NIR) narrow, and NIR bands of Sentinel-2A. Following the application of SBAF, significant results with reflectance differences of approximately 1% or less were observed for all bands except NIR. In the case of the Sentinel-2A NIR band, it exhibited a significantly larger bandwidth difference compared to the NIR narrow band. However, after applying SBAF, the reflectance difference fell within the acceptable error range (5%) of 1–2%. It indicates that SBAF can be applied even when there is a substantial difference in the bandwidths of the two sensors, particularly in situations where satellite utilization is limited. Therefore, it was determined that SBAF could be applied even when the bandwidth difference between the two sensors is large in a situation where satellite utilization is limited. It is expected to be helpful in research utilizing the quality and continuity of satellite data.
  • December 31, 2022

    14 11

    KOMPSAT Image Processing and Application

    이광재 1)†·김예슬 2)·채성호 2)·오관영 2)·이선구 1)

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2022; 38(6): 1871-1877

    과거 위성개발에는 막대한 예산과 시간이 소요됨에 따라 일부 선진국만 위성을 보유하였으나, 최근 초 소형위성과 같은 저예산 위성이 등장함에 따라 전 세계 많은 국가들이 위성 개발에 참여하고 있다. 저궤도 및 정지궤도 위성은 환경 및 기상 감시, 정밀변화탐지, 재난 등 다양한 분야에서 활용되고 있으며, 최근에는 딥러 닝 기반의 관심 객체탐지 등을 통한 모니터링에도 활발히 이용되고 있다. 우리나라는 지금까지 우주개발계획 에 따라 국가 수요의 위성을 개발하여 왔으며, 이를 통해 획득한 위성영상은 공공 및 민간에서 다양한 목적으 로 활용되고 있다. 국내에서 위성영상에 대한 관심은 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며, 각종 아이디어 발굴 및 기 술개발 촉진을 위한 다양한 경진대회도 개최되고 있다. 본 특별호에서는 최근 개최된 2022 위성정보활용 경진 대회에 참여한 주제와 다목적실용위성 영상자료 처리 및 활용 연구에 대해서 소개하고자 한다.
  • December 31, 2022

    14 11

    Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Applications

    이명진 1)·이원진2)·이승국 3)·정형섭 4),5)†

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2022; 38(6): 1581-1587

    이제는 딥러닝 없는 원격탐사 데이터 처리는 상상하기도 어려운 시대가 되었다. 원격탐사의 활용기술 개발을 위해서는 먼저 인공지능(artificial intelligence, AI)을 위한 데이터를 설계 및 구축하고, AI모델을 학습시 키는 과정을 거친다. AI모델은 빠르게 발전하여 모델 정확도가 나날이 높아지고 있지만, 모델을 훈련시키는 사 람에 따라 정확도의 편차가 발생하고 있다. 결국 AI모델을 훈련시킬 수 있는 숙련도 높은 전문가가 더욱 더 필 요한 시대가 되어가고 있다. 특히, 딥러닝기술은 원격탐사활용에 있어 자동화라는 키워드를 제공하고 있다. 예 전에는 60% 이하의 정확도만 있었던 기술도 이제는 90%를 넘어 100%의 시대로 가고 있다. 이 특별호에서는 딥러닝기술이 원격탐사에 어떻게 활용되고 있는지에 관한 13편의 논문을 소개한다.
  • December 31, 2023

    41 10

    Development of Cloud Detection Method Considering Radiometric Characteristics of Satellite Imagery

    서원우 1)·강홍기 2)·윤완상 3)·임평채 3)·이수암 4)·김태정 5)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(6): 1211-1224

    Clouds cause many difficult problems in observing land surface phenomena using optical satellites, such as national land observation, disaster response, and change detection. In addition, the presence of clouds affects not only the image processing stage but also the final data quality, so it is necessary to identify and remove them. Therefore, in this study, we developed a new cloud detection technique that automatically performs a series of processes to search and extract the pixels closest to the spectral pattern of clouds in satellite images, select the optimal threshold, and produce a cloud mask based on the threshold. The cloud detection technique largely consists of three steps. In the first step, the process of converting the Digital Number (DN) unit image into top-of-atmosphere reflectance units was performed. In the second step, preprocessing such as Hue-Value-Saturation (HSV) transformation, triangle thresholding, and maximum likelihood classification was applied using the top of the atmosphere reflectance image, and the threshold for generating the initial cloud mask was determined for each image. In the third post-processing step, the noise included in the initial cloud mask created was removed and the cloud boundaries and interior were improved. As experimental data for cloud detection, CAS500-1 L2G images acquired in the Korean Peninsula from April to November, which show the diversity of spatial and seasonal distribution of clouds, were used. To verify the performance of the proposed method, the results generated by a simple thresholding method were compared. As a result of the experiment, compared to the existing method, the proposed method was able to detect clouds more accurately by considering the radiometric characteristics of each image through the preprocessing process. In addition, the results showed that the influence of bright objects (panel roofs, concrete roads, sand, etc.) other than cloud objects was minimized. The proposed method showed more than 30% improved results (F1-score) compared to the existing method but showed limitations in certain images containing snow.
  • Research ArticleJune 30, 2024

    24 9

    Assessment of Antarctic Ice Tongue Areas Using Sentinel-1 SAR on Google Earth Engine

    Na-Mi Lee , Seung Hee Kim , Hyun-Cheol Kim

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2024; 40(3): 285-293

    This study explores the use of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), processed through Google Earth Engine (GEE), to monitor changes in the areas of Antarctic ice shelves. Focusing on the Campbell Glacier Tongue (CGT) and Drygalski Ice Tongue (DIT), the research utilizes GEE’s cloud computing capabilities to handle and analyze large datasets. The study employs Otsu’s method for image binarization to distinguish ice shelves from the ocean and mitigates detection errors by averaging monthly images and extracting main regions. Results indicate that the CGT area decreased by approximately 26% from January 2016 to January 2024, primarily due to calving events, while DIT showed a slight increase overall, with notable reduction in recent years. Validation against Sentinel-2 optical images demonstrates high accuracy, underscoring the effectiveness of SAR and GEE for continuous, long-term monitoring of Antarctic ice shelves.
  • Research ArticleApril 30, 2024

    13 9

    Actions to Expand the Use of Geospatial Data and Satellite Imagery for Improved Estimation of Carbon Sinks in the LULUCF Sector

    Ji-Ae Jung , Yoonrang Cho , Sunmin Lee , Moung-Jin Lee

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2024; 40(2): 203-217

    The Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory is crucial for obtaining data on carbon sinks, necessitating accurate estimations. This study analyzes cases of countries applying the LULUCF sector at the Tier 3 level to propose enhanced methodologies for carbon sink estimation. In nations like Japan and Western Europe, satellite spatial information such as SPOT, Landsat, and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is used alongside national statistical data to estimate LULUCF. However, in Korea, the lack of land use change data and the absence of integrated management by category, measurement is predominantly conducted at the Tier 1 level, except for certain forest areas. In this study, Space-borne LiDAR Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) was used to calculate forest canopy heights based on Relative Height 100 (RH100) in the cities of Icheon, Gwangju, and Yeoju in Gyeonggi Province, Korea. These canopy heights were compared with the 1:5,000 scale forest maps used for the National Inventory Report in Korea. The GEDI data showed a maximum canopy height of 29.44 meters (m) in Gwangju, contrasting with the forest type maps that reported heights up to 34 m in Gwangju and parts of Icheon, and a minimum of 2 m in Icheon. Additionally, this study utilized Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis to compare GEDI RH100 data with forest stand heights at the eup-myeon-dong level using ArcGIS, revealing Standard Deviations (SDs) ranging from –1.4 to 2.5, indicating significant regional variability. Areas where forest stand heights were higher than GEDI measurements showed greater variability, whereas locations with lower tree heights from forest type maps demonstrated lower SDs. The discrepancies between GEDI and actual measurements suggest the potential for improving height estimations through the application of high-resolution remote sensing techniques. To enhance future assessments of forest biomass and carbon storage at the Tier 3 level, high-resolution, reliable data are essential. These findings underscore the urgent need for integrating high-resolution, spatially explicit LiDAR data to enhance the accuracy of carbon sink calculations in Korea.
  • October 31, 2023

    14 9

    Ship Detection from SAR Images Using YOLO: Model Constructions and Accuracy Characteristics According to Polarization

    임윤교1)·윤유정2)·강종구2)·김서연2)·정예민2)·최소연1)·서영민1)·이양원 3)*

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2023; 39(5): 997-1008

    Ship detection at sea can be performed in various ways. In particular, satellites can provide wide-area surveillance, and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery can be utilized day and night and in all weather conditions. To propose an efficient ship detection method from SAR images, this study aimed to apply the You Only Look Once Version 5 (YOLOv5) model to Sentinel-1 images and to analyze the difference between individual vs. integrated models and the accuracy characteristics by polarization. YOLOv5s, which has fewer and lighter parameters, and YOLOv5x, which has more parameters but higher accuracy, were used for the performance tests (1) by dividing each polarization into HH, HV, VH, and VV, and (2) by using images from all polarizations. All four experiments showed very similar and high accuracy of 0.977 ≤ AP@0.5 ≤ 0.998. This result suggests that the polarization integration model using lightweight YOLO models can be the most effective in terms of real-time system deployment. 19,582 images were used in this experiment. However, if other SAR images, such as Capella and ICEYE, are included in addition to Sentinel-1 images, a more flexible and accurate model for ship detection can be built.
  • December 31, 2022

    11 9

    Regional Optimization of Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) and its Application to 2022 North Korea Wildfires

    윤유정1)·김서연2)·최소연3)·박강현3)·강종구3)·김근아3)·권춘근4)·서경원5)·이양원 6)†

    Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2022; 38(6): 1847-1859

    북한에서 발생한 산불은 비무장지대 등으로 남하하는 경우 우리나라에 직·간접적인 영향을 줄 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 정보 접근불능 지역인 북한의 산불위험정보를 획득하기 위하여 Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) 기상자료 기반의 지역 최적화된 산불위험지수 Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI)를 산 출하고, 2022년 4월 북한 고성군과 철원군의 산불 사례에 적용하였다. 그 결과 발화일 당시 FFDI가 각각 위험 등급 Extreme과 Severe 구간에 해당하여 적합성을 확인하였다. 또한 산불 발생 전후의 위험도지도와 토양수분 지도를 정성적으로 비교한 결과 상호 관계성을 파악하였으며, 향후 토양수분, 표준화강수지수(Standardized Precipitation Index, SPI), 식생수분지수(Normalized Difference Water Index, NDWI) 등을 결합하는 방식으로 산 불발생위험지수의 개선이 필요하다.
  • Research ArticleApril 30, 2024

    11 8
    Global warming is causing abnormal climates worldwide due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, negatively affecting ecosystems and humanity. In response, various countries are attempting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in numerous ways, and interest in blue carbon, carbon absorbed by coastal ecosystems, is increasing. Known to absorb carbon up to 50 times faster than green carbon, blue carbon plays a vital role in responding to climate change. Particularly, the tidal flats of South Korea, one of the world’s five largest tidal flats, are valued for their rich biodiversity and exceptional carbon absorption capabilities. While previous studies on blue carbon have focused on the carbon storage and annual carbon absorption rates of tidal flats, there is a lack of research linking tidal flat area changes detected using satellite data to carbon storage. This study applied the direct difference water index to high-resolution satellite data from PlanetScope and RapidEye to analyze the area and changes of the Nakdong River estuary tidal flats over six periods between 2013 and 2023, estimating the carbon storage for each period. The analysis showed that excluding the period in 2013 with a different tidal condition, the tidal flat area changed by up to approximately 5.4% annually, ranging from about 9.38 km2 (in 2022) to about 9.89 km2 (in 2021), with carbon storage estimated between approximately 30,230.0 Mg C and 31,893.7 Mg C.
August 2024 Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 319-418

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