The reviewer report may comprehensively critique the submission and consist of much more than a few brief sentences. KJRS does not require a specific structure for reports, however, a suggested format is:
We encourage reviewers to help authors improve their manuscript. The report should give constructive analysis to authors, particularly where revisions are recommended.
While expectations vary by discipline, some core aspects that should be critiqued by reviewers may include:
To help authors receive timely reviews, reviewer reports should be submitted via the manuscript tracking system on or before the agreed deadline. Reviewers should contact KJRS if they are unable to meet the deadline so an alternative date can be arranged.
We encourage reviewers to focus their reports on objectively critiquing the scientific aspects of the submission, including the soundness of the methodology and whether the conclusions can be supported by the results. Comments may also be given on novelty and the potential impact of the work. At the end of their review, we ask reviewers to recommend one of the following actions:
Manuscripts under peer review should be strictly confidential. Reviewers must not share manuscripts or discuss their content with anyone outside the peer review process.
Reviewers will be anonymous to the authors unless they choose to disclose their identity by signing the review report.
Reviewers should decline to review a submission when they:
Reviewers must declare any remaining interests in the ‘Confidential’ section of the review form, which will be considered by the editor.
Reviewers must declare if they have previously discussed the manuscript with the authors.
Reviewers are encouraged to comment on authors’ declared conflicts of interest. If there are concerns that authors have not fully disclosed financial, institutional, commercial, personal, ideological, or academic interests, this should be raised in the reviewer report.
Hayoung Lee, Kwangseob Kim, Kiwon Lee
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2024; 40(4): 343-350A Sediyo Adi Nugraha , Muhammad Kamal , Sigit Heru Murti, Wirastuti Widyatmanti
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing 2024; 40(4): 397-418